First Year Representatives: Riaz Pirmohamed and Rhodri Lewis
Second Year Representatives: Sanjay Dave and Danielle Richardson
Third Year Representatives: Nazia Khanzada and Malvika Monga
Here's what they have to say...
+ First Year Representatives

+ Second Year Representatives
Hi, we are your Second Year Reps. Basically our job is to give the students what they want. We are here to find out your views and represent them to the LSE staff so they can be acted upon. We hope to improve your LSE law experience by doing this effectively. We also help in publicising Law Society events, so the chances are if you are aware of anything related to the Law Society it is because of us.
+ Third Year Representatives

We are representing third year students and we are here to reflect your views to both the society and the law department.

We are representing third year students and we are here to reflect your views to both the society and the law department.