3 teams,
3 stalls,
1 prize
The National Pro-Bono Week is just around the corner so the LSE SU Law Society will being having stalls on Houghton Street for you to show off your entrepreneurial skills and make some money for charity.
There will be 3 stalls, with a team of 4 people on each stall. The stalls will be yours on Monday 16th November & Thursday 19th November between 9am-3pm. You can do anything you want to promote your stall and sell anything or provide any services you want during that time (provided it doesn't breach health & safety of course).
The team that makes the most money will win an experience day of their choice. Prizes include INDOOR SKYDIVING, AQUA SPHEREING, GO-KARTING and SUSHI-MAKING.
Any money you spend on set up costs like buying materials and supplies will be re-imbursed to you by the LSE SU Law Society for an amount of up to £50 (just keep your receipts!)
All proceeds will be going to the Bar Pro-Bono Unit.
Get a team of 4 people together
Send an Email to LSEProBono@live.com stating...
a/the name, email address and mobile telephone number of one of your team members
b/what you propose to do to raise money
c/why you think it's a good idea
DEADLINE is Friday 6th November 2009 at Midnight
The Legal Apprentice is proudly sponsored by...
Visit them at: www.mofo.co.uk
1/The Apprentice TV Show...our fundraiser will be less serious of course
2/Aqua Sphereing...aka Zorbing...but you won't be going as fast as the guy below though
3/Indoor Sky-Diving...but your session shouldn't be this extreme