Wednesday, 10 March 2010

Executive Elections

ELECTIONS are here People.

Make sure you GET INVOLVED....whether you run for a position or simply want to vote.

All you need to do is...

1/ Write a short manifesto explaining why you would be good in the position and what you would do in the coming that to
2/ Prepare a 2 minute speech to be delivered at the elections
3/ Come to the elections...

LSE SU Law Society AGM
Where: Room S75, LSE
When: Wednesday 17th March
Time: 1pm-3pm

Things to remember...

-You can run for as many positions as you want on the day
-You don't have to prepare a manifesto to run...all you need is a speech on the day
-If you cannot attend the elections send your speech or manifesto into and it will be read out at the elections